What Is The Best Approach In Explaining The Love My Smile Offer To Potential Clients?
UNDER PROMISE & OVER DELIVER. Always explain to clients that the level of shade change is dependent on a number of factors ,ie: age / life style , therefore if they expect a variation of 1-2 shades & get 6 shades they will be pleased with the results & more likely to tell their friend (its an Aussie thing to tell everyone about a good deal).
They need to understand that the longer their treatment, the better the results. On average most people will get a 1 – 2 shade improvement in a 20 minutes with 3 shades being the most common result after a 40 minute treatment. It is also advisable to warn people of the potential for some sensitivity during & immediately after the treatment. Whilst this is unlikely in most cases, if they are aware of the possibilities they are less likely to react if they are in the minority. On average 1 person in 50 will suffer minor sensitivity which is why we supply a vitamin E swab with every kit.
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