Frequently Asked Questions

Teeth appearance is an important part of your smile and the way you look in general. A great smile can help improve your job opportunities, help with your confidence around family, colleagues & friends or maybe help find that love of your life! These are just some of the reasons why thousands of people turn to the Love My Smile cosmetic teeth whitening system to improve the look of their teeth and their smiles.

Teeth Whitening gels are transparent peroxide gels used to bleach your teeth. Depending on the color of your teeth the whitening gel can whiten your teeth several shades. Beware – The whitening achieved with over the counter or Internet marketed DIY whitening gel kits cannot be compared in any way with the results of professional LED cosmetic teeth whitening procedures performed by a professional service provider. Statements of 6 shades are falsified by using shade guides like A 1-5, then B 1-5 & so on. Accordingly a 6 shade improvement is really only a single shade variation by our measures! When we talk shade variances we are referring to real changes. Your consultant will give you a before & after comparison with our simple 10 shade chart. No smoke & mirrors.

Cosmetic teeth whitening is a safe treatment according to the majority of studies done in the last 10 years. Modern whitening gels are better formulated and in general cause much less sensitivity than their earlier predecessors.

In fact researchers from the world leading Eastman Institute for Oral Health, (part of the University of Rochester Medical Center) set out to learn if there are negative effects on the tooth from using whitening products. They compared the effects of professional strength Hydrogen Peroxide to acidic fruit juices. They came to the following conclusion: That compared to Orange Juice “The orange juice decreased enamel hardness by 84%.” No significant change in hardness or surface enamel was found from whitening. (Eastman Institute for Oral Health is a world leader in research & post-doctoral education in general & pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics & oral surgery).

Cool Light LED teeth whitening has become one of the most popular cosmetic appearance improvements options, because it’s extremely effective and produces immediate results.

Hopefully below you should get the answers to any questions you may have regarding our cosmetic teeth whitening procedures:

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If the above has not answered your questions, please call your local treatment centre or send an email to info@lovemysmile.com.au & we would be more than happy to answer your questions.